Our initial clients have asked us for insight into a range of specific educational or commercial issues:
- How is the institution perceived by ‘feeder’ schools and sixth form colleges, and what is its reputation versus its main competitors?
- Why is the institution chosen, or rejected, by students; what is the influence of parents in their decision, and what are the main criteria by which the institution is judged?
- Has the experience met its students’ expectations? In what ways should the institution be seeking improvements?
- What is the sense of affiliation of 5 – 20 year alumni towards the institution, and what type of ‘outreach’ would these alumni find genuinely useful in their career?
The result of each study is a detailed report and presentation, using substantial verbatim comment, and with specific recommendations for improvement in admissions procedure, marketing material, course development, student care, positioning, outreach, and in the running and focus of the educational experience.